洋葱种子 每盎司大约8000颗种子.
PLANTING: Sow seeds thinly in seed flats during February or March. Place seeds 1/4″ deep in a good soil substitute, like
伯杰BM-2. Germinate at 56F in strong natural or artificial light. After emergence, trim top to 4″ as needed as plants become
建立了. 在6个″间距中移植到户外. Seeds may also be started outdoors in late spring. 提示:开始
your own onion sets by spacing seeds 3/4″ apart in a block format outdoors. 收获 & 像洋葱一样储存.
HARVEST: For fresh spring onions, pull and use when desired size is reached. For onion bulbs, when tops begin to fall over
& bulb has developed skins, pull and cure for at least a week in sunlight. 干燥后,存放于阴凉处. 不要冻结.
You will need 1 oz of seed per 100′ row or 4 lbs per acre. PKT尺寸1/8盎司.


美国国旗150天.  11,000 seeds per ounce  Pkt has about  1300 seeds

美国国旗150天.  11,000 seeds per ounce  Pkt has about  1300 seeds

不评价 $1.30$77.90 选择选项选择项

A bulbless variety used only forbunching or for fresh spring onions.


A bulbless variety used only forbunching or for fresh spring onions.


不评价 $2.10$150.00 选择选项选择项